Making the Most of you Fall Mini Session - Alpharetta Family Photographer

July 20, 2022

Fall mini session season is almost here and I can't wait!  If you are planning on booking one of my Fall Minis, I have got some advice on how to make the most of your mini!

What to wear or not to wear, that is the big question! I always advise mom picking her outfit first and build the family look from there.   Need help making final decisions?  Call me!  I am happy to Facetime and help you make some outfit choices.  Once you have your outfits ready to go several days in advance...have everyone try them on. Nothing worse that realizing your sons pants are too short the day of a session.  You want everyone to look and feel great. Doing this in advance will alleviate stress as picture day approaches.

 Make sure you and your family are well rested! Don't stay up late the night before. Kids and adults both need their beauty sleep.  A well-rested family is a family that is ready to rock out their photoshoot.

Let's have fun! I love making the session enjoyable for your child.  Have them mentally prepared for the whole process.  You can talk to them about how much fun it will be.  Tell them you are going to be meeting our new friend (ME) & I will have fun games for them to play.  You can tell them about my cool camera and equipment.  Tell them how famous people go to photoshoots OR tell them that they get to explore a new spot... The sky is the limit here. 

A little bribe never hurt anybody, right?  Bring a snack, favorite toy, noisemaker, blanket, basically anything that makes your children happy!  We can use these as rewards for a job well done or just to get that perfect shot.  My research shows that this will sometimes work on your spouse, too!  If you do bring a snack treat make it a non messy one.  No chocolates please.   

Top mistake alert:  don't stand behind me and tell your kid to "show their real smile." I promise you this won't help AT ALL.  DO stand behind me and tell a story about something funny they did . . . let's talk about anything that you know will make them laugh and happy.   Also, let's respect them and the fact that maybe they are not a smiley person.  I love a serious glare. 

I HIGHLY recommend coming with a full belly. Waiting until after our photoshoot can cause major problems.  A hangry child, spouse, or even yourself probably won’t enjoy the mini-session and have irritability.  Keep your clothes photo-ready and clean by dressing for the shoot after you eat.

Because mini-sessions happen back-to-back, there is no space for wiggle room. Some locations charge to use their property, so plan on being here ten minutes early! Being here early ensures you are ready to go when it is your turn.  We want to be respectful of everyone’s time and make the most out of your beautiful family’s photographs!

Are you excited yet?!  I honestly love mini sessions and pour all my energy into making them a success.  If you want to get in on the fun, I will be releasing my fall mini schedule on 8/4 to my mailing list! 

Sign up for the mailing list here  or drop me a email if you have questions.