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hand of a child picking blackberriesyoung girl picking black berries at washington farmsfatjer picking up his child so they can pick berries off a high bushtween girl walking down a row of black berries by monica carlsontween girl reaching between raspberry bush to picktween boy wearing sunglasses and picking raspberriestween boy picking berries at Washington farmjuice stained fingers of a child who has been picking berriesgirl looking up at a raspberry bushportrait of a smiling girl about top pick berries by monica carlson photographygirl walking down a row of blueberry bushesgirl picking blue berries at washington farmsyoung girl concentrating on picking blue berriesblonde girl walking by berriesyoung girl examining the strawberries she just pickedsisters collecting strawberries at washington farmsgirl squatting by some strawberry bushesportrait of a girl taste testing freshly picked strawberries by monica carlson photographygirl taste testing freshly picked strawberries on a farm outside atlanta, GAgirl eating a strawberry she just picked at a farm