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family of three standing on a field at Prospect farmshappy little girl hugging her mothermother and father kiss while their daughter sits on dads shoulders on a open field by monica carlsonblack and white image of parents kissing while their daughter sits on dads shoulderslittle girl dressed in pink holds parents hands at Prospect farmsblack and white image of a little girl holding her parents handsfamily of three walks through a open field on a farm in lawernceville, ga  on a sunny daymother and father swing their daughter by her armshusband and wife sit on a blanket & look at each other lovinglymom, dad and daughter sit on a blanket and tickle wach otherlittle girl snuggles her parents from behind by monica carlsonmother lays down on the ground and daughter lays on her chestyoung girl sits on a antique box on a farm field in lawernceville, gaportrait of a happy girl by monica carlsonlittle girl smelling a flower at prospect farmslittle girl looks passed a hay bale while holding her dresslittle girl looks whistfully on a green fieldwoodworth family by monica carlson photographymother and daughter snuggle during a family photo sessionmother and daughter give eskimo kisses