One year old eating a birthday cake with her handsbaby with her faced covered with cake icingBirthday baby eating her first cake during a photo sessionone year old eating cake during her birthday milestone sessiongirl sitting in a egg chair in a Alpharetta studiobaby boy crawling across the floor of a phot studiothree young siblings smiling for a phot sessionlittle boy laughing with his hands in his pocketyoung girl with glasses that is smilinggirl twirling with a tulle skirtdetail image of a little boys curlsportrait of a little boy with a pacifier in his mouthlittle boy with his mickey mouse shirt and toylittle girl smiles while sitting in a egg chairteen girl smiles during a personality portrait sessionteen sisters laugh together while sitting on the floorToddler with hands in pockets of jeanssmiling portrait of a one year old girl