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family of five sharing a laugh standing in a barn at Mcdaniell family farmthree siblings hugging each other in Duluth, GAteenage girl looking over her shoulder with a barn in the backgroundblack and white portrait of three siblings walking on a bridge during a family photo sessiongolden portrait of three siblings sitting on a fallen log with a bridge behind them taken by monica carlsonbeautiful golden lit image of a teen aged girl leaning against a treeippolito by monica carlson photographyfamily take a sunset walk in front of a bridge during a photo sessiontween girl sitting on the steps of a white wooden houseportrait of a happy tween blonde girl by monica carlsonthree siblings having fun throwing leaves during a session with monica carlson photographythree kids enjoying throwing leaves in the fallkids throwing leaves at mcdaniel family farmthree siblings throwing leaves in a park in duluth, GAthree really happy kids toss leaves in the airfamily of five get ready to play a game with a blanketthree kids run under a blanket their parents are creating a tunnel with by monica carlsonsiblings run beneath a blanket their parents are creating a tunnel withportrait of three sweet siblings at Mcdaniel family farmthree siblings play a game of piggy back ride during a family photo session